
I was born here, and I loved music since I remember…
That drives me through almost all genres of music.
Once, sitting deep in Progressive Rock music, I have been forced to go to an Electronic music party.
That repetition of sound stopped me for a while.
Definition of music was completely change and I was pretty confused.
Big surprise, but I said to myself this is it..Techno!
Since then, constantly layering bricks of Techno music into my live…
Producing a bit, mostly Djing on local parties.
For me It’s like Innocent journey, trying to addict people from what I truly Love…
Utwory Barelyme
Meness & Barelyme-Bon voyage (luka-daniello-remix)
Meness & Barelyme – Bon Voyage (F.A.Z.Z. Remix)
Kolejna odslona Naszej produkcji w remixie F.A.A.Z. Milego odsluchu!
No Sleep!
Barelyme&Meness-Bon Voyage
Oto Jest!
Pierwsza wspolna produkcja Barelyme
(No Sleep!) i mojego zacnego przyjaciela Meness-a(Prosta Melodia).
Utwor oscyluje w gatunkach tech house i techno. Podzielcie sie z przyjaciolmi i mam nadzieje ze bedzie Wam smakowac!
No Sleep!