Tomek Borowski

1982* Born in Szczecin/Poland
Moved over to Germany with his Family in 1989
For Him personally the Love in Music never Ends….
Starting as Child with 14 and learning Playing Piano and Guitar, his passion was always to make something with Music…
First Time as Tomek see a DJ how he can Introduce by himself a Track with his Own Style, he was Defected and knows what he want at this Point.
@the End he moved to Frankfurt/Germany where he find his Place..
Bookings in Frankfurt and also his & KILLERS (Daniel Kilian) Label Called…
#SIGO – Sometimes I Go Out is One of his Project!
Bookings in:
Amsterdam (Club Stalker)
Aarau – Switzerland
Frankfurt – World Music Dome
Frankfurt – #SIGO
Frankfurt – Pik Dame
Frankfurt – Karlson Club Frankfurt
—— Enough to Speak about Bookings…
Enjoy his Music….
From Tomek with Love
Stay #SIGO….